ION Water Gloves Claw 3/2 unis...
Pre-formed for improved grip
Neo accessories are the secret to making your session a success even on cold days. ION neoprene gloves ensure a good grip and sufficient warmth. The pre-shaped Claw Gloves reduce hand fatigue and improve grip even more.
Mystic Ease Glove 2mm 5Finger ...
Glove / 5 finger 2mm
The Ease 5 Finger Gloves are suitable for anyone looking for a warm but thinner glove, with a thickness of 2mm. Taped seams keep water out, and an extra layer on the palms provides plenty of grip.
Mystic Crest Glove 1.5mm 5Fing...
Glove / 5 finger
Die Crest sind die einzigen vollständig verklebten Handschuhe in unserer Kollektion, was ihnen eine zusätzliche Wasserabdichtung verleiht und deine Hände länger warm hält – selbst bei einer Dicke von nur 1,5 mm. Diese hochwertige Eigenschaft macht sie ideal für verschiedene Bedingungen und Wassersportarten, von Kiten bis Surfen. Das 5-Finger-Design sorgt für maximale Fingerfertigkeit, während die texturierten Handflächen einen hervorragenden Grip bieten. Die vielseitigen Crest-Handschuhe sind das ganze Jahr über eine wertvolle Ergänzung für dein Equipment.
Mystic Roam Glove 3mm 5Finger ...
ROAM 2025
Glove / 5 finger
Wenn du nach einem Handschuh suchst, der Wärme, Komfort und Fingerfertigkeit bietet, sind die Roam 3mm Handschuhe die perfekte Wahl. Mit ihrem 5-Finger-Design, MX2-Schaum und Fox-Fleece-Futter halten sie dich während der gesamten Session warm und ermöglichen maximale Kontrolle. Die überarbeitete Panel-Konstruktion dieser Saison sorgt für noch mehr Komfort, während die reduzierten GBS-Nähte verhindern, dass kaltes Wasser eindringt – für optimale Isolierung.
Mystic Supreme Glove 4mm Lobst...
Glove / Lobster / Precurved
Die Supreme Lobster Precurved sind unsere wärmsten Handschuhe und wurden für noch bessere Performance aktualisiert. Gefertigt aus MX2 Foam und Wind Mesh Neopren, bieten sie durch neue Paneele verbesserten Komfort und Wärme. Das dünnere Innenmaterial sorgt für besseren Grip und macht sie ideal für Kiter. Isolierende GBS-Nähte und eng anliegende Manschetten verhindern das Eindringen von Wasser, sodass du deine Wintersessions maximal auskosten kannst. Das vorgekrümmte Design reduziert die Unterarmermüdung beim Greifen der Bar – so bleibst du länger warm und leistungsfähig.
ION Water Gloves Arctic Mitten...
Maximum warmth & feeling
The Arctic Gloves are the secret weapon for those who can't resist even the coldest days. Specially designed for windsurfing, kiting and wingsurfing when it gets icy. 5mm thick neoprene on the back of the hand reliably prevents any attempts at cooling down by wind and sub-zero temperatures. But don't worry, thanks to the particularly sensitive and thinner layer on the palm of your hand, you always have a firm grip on your board, bar or boom.
ION Water Gloves Neo 4/2 unise...
Maximum grip & ultimate warmth
Neo accessories are the secret to making your session a success even on cold days. ION neoprene gloves ensure a good grip and sufficient warmth. Thanks to the extended cuffs, you can rest assured that no water will leak into your gloves or your wetsuit.
ION Water Gloves Amara Full Fi...
Lightweight & protective
The Amara Full Finger Gloves from ION are an essential part of every windsurfer's quiver. Gloves are a crucial factor in ensuring you enjoy your cold water windsurfing, kiteboarding or winging sessions. The Amara Gloves improve grip and provide light protection from cold and abrasions. Thanks to the Velcro fastener and snap fastener, they stay tight during wipeouts, but can still be easily opened even with ice-cold fingers.
ION Water Gloves Hybrid 1+2.5 ...
Water-repellent with neoprene cover
The Hybrid Gloves are the newcomers to ION's glove range. These gloves are designed for kiting, windsurfing and wingsurfing. On the one hand, they protect against cool winds and at the same time they offer a direct feeling on the bar, boom and handles. As the term hybrid suggests, the choice is yours. You can either put the neoprene cover over your freezing fingers or leave it in the “glove compartment”. The finger cover offers 1mm thick insulation with the option to place a 2.5mm thick neoprene layer over the hand. The gloves are water-repellent and close with a Velcro fastener.
ION Water Gloves Neo 2/1 unise...
Maximum grip & ultimate warmth
Neo accessories are the secret to making your session a success even on cold days. ION neoprene gloves ensure a good grip and sufficient warmth. Thanks to the extended cuffs, you can rest assured that no water will leak into your gloves or your wetsuit.
ION Water Gloves Amara Half Fi...
Lightweight & protective
The Amara Half Finger Gloves from ION are an essential part of every windsurfer's quiver. Gloves are a crucial factor in ensuring you enjoy your cold water windsurfing, kiteboarding or winging sessions. The Amara Gloves improve grip and provide light protection from cold and abrasions. Thanks to the Velcro fastener and snap fastener, they stay tight during wipeouts, but can still be easily opened even with ice-cold fingers.
ION Water Gloves Lobster Mitte...
Warmth & Grip
Neo accessories are the secret to making your session a success even on cold days. The mitten-style Lobster Mittens ensure good grip and sufficient warmth.
If you would like to expand your waterwear and have any questions when choosing your neoprene gloves, please feel free to contact us. Our experts will be happy to advise you in detail.