North Loft Pro 2024 – Wing from €1.579,00
LOFT PRO WING Light Wind Performance Warten auf den Wind? Der brandneue Loft Pro hat die Kraft, grenzwertige Sessions zu ermöglichen, hebt dich sofort im leichtesten Wind an und hält dich länger auf dem Foil. Sein tiefes Profil und der ultrasteife Rahmen sorgen für die effizienteste Kraftübertragung pro m², tragen dich durch Flauten und verwandeln den kleinsten Windstoß in kraftvolle Vorwärtsbewegung. Entwickelt, um sich so leicht wie möglich anzufühlen, ist der 2024 Loft Pro eine Weiterentwicklung des Nova Light Wind und verfügt über Carbon-Griffe und einen neuen N-Weave45-Rahmen für einen schnelleren, steiferen Flügel mit sofortiger Reaktion. Reduzierte Nähte/Segmente im Leading Edge (LE) tragen ebenfalls zur Gewichtsreduzierung bei, und ein reduzierter LE-Durchmesser macht den Flügel leichter und agiler. Selbst bei kleinerem Durchmesser übertrifft der Rahmen die Steifigkeit seines Vorgängers. Der Loft Pro ist für einen Flügel dieser Größe sehr kompakt, mit weniger Spannweite für reduzierte Spitzenkontakte und einem tiefen Profil. Der Loft Pro hat eine ausgewogene Lastverteilung und Auftrieb für einfachere Halsen, Wenden und Übergänge bei niedriger Geschwindigkeit. Rigid GripLock Micro-Trim-Griffe sorgen für eine schnellere Reaktion. Sein verfeinertes kompaktes Design und die abgerundeten Flügelspitzen helfen, Spitzenkontakte zu reduzieren, und die handliche Spannweite ist auf jeden Fahrer zugeschnitten. Wähle je nach Größe nur eine Nova Light Wind-Größe für dein Quiver und beende das Warten auf den Wind.
North Mode PRO 2025 – Wing from €1.349,00
MODE PRO WING High Speed Performance Der Mode Pro verfügt über einen steifen, leichten N-Weave45-Rahmen und eine starke, langlebige Matrix-Bespannung für effiziente Kraftübertragung und hohe Stabilität. Der supersteife Rahmen überträgt Windenergie in höhere Vorwärtsgeschwindigkeit, mit explosiver Beschleunigung und Hangtime. Die hochfestige Bespannung ergänzt die erhöhte Rahmenspannung und erweitert den Windbereich und die Formbeständigkeit unter allen Bedingungen. Für 2025 haben wir das ShiftLock-Modul-Befestigungssystem eingeführt, das eine individuelle Positionierung jeder Größe des ShiftLock-Carbon-Griffs oder -Booms ermöglicht. Der Mode Pro verfügt jetzt über die Anti-Deflexions-Carbon-UDi-Technologie im Leading Edge (LE) für eine schnellere, direktere Reaktion. Die Flügelsektionen sind vorne dünner und in der Mitte tiefer für eine bessere Hochgeschwindigkeitsleistung in einem breiteren Windbereich. Wir haben eine sauberere Bespannung mit neuen radialen geometrischen Paneelschnitten und Lastdiffusoren entwickelt. Diese arbeiten harmonisch zusammen, um die Spannung gleichmäßiger in definierten Lastbereichen über die Bespannung zu verteilen und den aerodynamischen Fluss zu verbessern. Wir haben den Mode Pro hauptsächlich für Geschwindigkeit entwickelt, aber der steifere Rahmen sorgt auch für beispiellosen Auftrieb bei höheren Sprüngen und Vorwärtsbewegung bei Landungen. Mit unglaublicher Stabilität im oberen Bereich sind die Größen 3,5 und 4,2 m ideal für stärkere Winde, während die Größen 4,8 bis 6,5 m für größere Leistung bei leichterem Wind optimiert sind. Der Flügel hat ein ausgewogenes niedrigeres Seitenverhältnis mit abgerundeten Flügelspitzen, um einen Kontakt mit der Spitze zu reduzieren.
North Nova Pro 2024 – Wing from €1.099,00
NOVA PRO WING Performance Freeride Der Nova Pro, mit unserem branchenweit ersten ShiftLock Modular Track Mounting System und der Carbon UDi Technology, ist für Fahrer, die bereit sind, das nächste Level zu erreichen. Für Fahrer, die gelangweilt sind vom Rasenmähen; Fahrer, die einfach nur draußen sein wollen, um in endlosen Ozeanwellen Linien zu schnitzen, zu boosten oder Freestyle zu fahren. Entwickelt, um deine Kreativität und deinen Wunsch nach Fortschritt zu entfachen, liegt der Nova Pro leicht in der Hand und ist effizient gegen den Wind. Seine fortschrittlichen Materialien, die straffere Bespannung und die ausgewogene Spannung sorgen für perfekte Formbeständigkeit im oberen Windbereich und verbesserte Leistung bei leichtem Wind – für das Beste aus beiden Welten.
Neilpryde NP FireFly 2024 – Wing from €799,00
FIREFLY FREESTYLE / SURF / ALL-ROUND Introducing the NeilPryde Firefly - an all-new design optimized for freestyle and surf. The Firefly combines the NP high-lift concept (introduced on the original Fly to provide both early liftoff and light, responsive handling) with a host of new features developed over a year of close collaboration with our freestyle and Wave test team - a significantly reduced wingspan for rotation maneuvers and wave riding, the new NP Mono Handle that functions like a boom but adds the drop grip function, and a simplified cell with a stiffer feel for smoother drifting and tricks, that require backwind riding.  These unique features make the Firefly the best wing on the market for students and beginners - riders can use a smaller size and still take off safely, the mono handle makes the initial grip and maneuvers as easy as possible and the shorter wingspan makes it more suitable for children and smaller drivers. The new Firefly is based on the combined experience of the NP design team and is optimized for freestyle, surf and school. The Firefly is packed with innovations that will enhance your wing foiling experience, whether you are an experienced rider getting into rotational maneuvers/improving your game in the surf, or a new rider new to wing foiling looking for the earliest start and looking for the easiest handling. Part of the FLY family: The new Firefly shares its DNA with the renowned FLY and the newly updated FLY Il. This means you get a grand piano based on the proven performance and tireless development of the NeilPryde brand.
Neilpryde NP Fly SL 2024 - Wing from €1.349,00
Fly SL LIGHT WIND PERFORMANCE Introducing the NP Fly SL - an all-new design optimized for light wind performance, especially for heavier pilots. The Fly SL utilizes the NP high-lift concept (introduced on the original Fly to provide both early launch and light, responsive handling) but is designed for low-end flying with flatter entry profiles, a slightly lower one Extension and reduced wing sweep to distribute the center of gravity evenly over both hands. These unique features also make the Firefly the best wing on the market for students and beginners - pilots can use a smaller size and still launch safely, the mono handle makes initial gripping and maneuvers as easy as possible, and the shorter wingspan makes it more suitable for children and smaller pilots. Designed by the NP design team to maximize light wind days on Europe's lakes, the new Fly St takes off early and stays up. The Fly SL has been specifically optimized for heavier riders with larger boards, but is balanced and controllable enough to benefit any rider who wants to push their minimum wind launch speed to the limit on the lightest days.
Neilpryde NP Fly II PRO 2024 –... from €1.999,00
Fly II PRO CAUSE FLYING WILL NEVER BE THE SAME AGAIN! The 2024 FLY II PRO is an innovative further development of the first FLY Edition from 2023. The design has been revised analogous to the FLY II and additionally equipped with new high-quality materials. The result is exceptional performance and an unrivaled driving experience. When developing the Fly, great emphasis was placed on increasing stability and rigidity as well as improving handling and control. The FLY II PRO is also made for the first time from Aluula Aeris X material made from +/-45 X fabric, which generates a significantly increased preload compared to normal Aluula. This enables a significantly narrower and stiffer Leading Edge (LE) than the previous model. Because the materials are made from single polymers, they can also be recycled.The FLY II PRO now features even lighter carbon handles with textureless black EVA for a clean and technical look.The FLY II Pro sizes with half square meter increments were developed with the greatest care and are optimal for experienced riders. From 3.5 to 6.5 – the individually ideal premium wing can be selected.
Neilpryde NP Fly II 2024 – Wing from €849,00
Fly II Just Fly! The 2024 FLY II is an evolutionary leap compared to the previous model: new materials, even more advanced 3D shapes and a variety of innovations significantly improve the performance and driving experience. Retaining the unique concept of high lift coefficient, the FLY II features higher rigidity combined with balanced twist behavior, which significantly improves handling and control in strong winds. The tension distribution, derived from windsurfing sail design, has been fine-tuned to improve upwind speed and handling during maneuvers. The front profile has been redesigned to increase control with the wing close - a big advantage even when riding trapeze. Additional Leading Edge (LE) segments on the wing tips reduce air resistance, provide increased stiffness and enable a more upright wing position. The front tube has been equipped with an additional stiffener in the middle on the leading edge, which increases stability in the area in front of the fill panel and makes the wing significantly more forgiving when turning. The FLY II is now made entirely of Teijin LE Dacron, which significantly improves profile stability. The Trailing Edge Panels are made from Challenge Code 95 and enable exceptional rigidity and long-lasting dimensional stability. All windows now feature Dyneema X-Ply for an optimal balance of visibility, light weight and durability. The newly designed and positioned windows offer significantly improved visibility.  
-35% sale
FreeWing FW24 FIRM FLEX HANDLE... €59,99 €93,00
FW24 FIRM FLEX HANDLE LARGE Accesories SIZE: Large >5.0m COMPLETE SET: 2 PIECES The Firm-Flex Grip handle offers a perfect blend of the stability and combination of a hard grip with the security and compact design of a soft grip.
-36% sale
FreeWing FW24 FIRM FLEX HANDLE... €53,99 €84,00
FW24 FIRM FLEX HANDLE SMALL Accesories SIZE: Small COMPLETE SET: 2 PIECES The Firm-Flex Grip handle offers a perfect blend of the stability and combination of a hard grip with the security and compact design of a soft grip.
ION Wing Handle 2024 – Wing ac... €29,99
WING HANDLE Accesories The Wing Handle was developed for wings with two handles. With the Wing Handle, the two handles can be connected to create a continuous grip surface - similar to a boom in windsurfing. This little accessory helps you get more freedom from your wing and can be used on a variety of models thanks to its adjustable size. The rigid construction allows you to attach wing trapeze ropes and gives you more grip options, as well as the ability to use a wing trapeze for more support. The Wing Handle was developed in collaboration with Wingman and is available in 5 different sizes. These refer to the distance between the handles.
-30% sale
Cabrinha 24 Cab Vision – Wing from €594,30 €849,00
VISION FREERIDE SIZES: 2M / 2,5M / 3M / 3,5M / 4M / 4,5M / 5M / 6M / 7M / 8M Wing sport is evolving at an incredible pace. With the Vision we have developed a wing that keeps pace with this development and takes us to the next generation of wing foiling. Known for its incredible range, control and light feel, the Vision has entered the next stage of evolution. We have given the Vision, in the smaller sizes, more power in the lower wind range and implemented an optimized flow line. The result is a powerful all-rounder with the lowest weight on the market. Whether big or small, cruising or surfing, light wind or storm chasing. The Vision is the perfect addition to your equipment. (Leash sold separately) 
-30% sale
Cabrinha 24 Cab Mantis – Wing from €594,30 €849,00
MANTIS HIGH PERFORMANCE GRÖSSEN: 2 M / 2,5 M / 3 M / 3,5 M / 4 M /4,5 M / 5 M / 6 M The Mantis has become synonymous with its outstanding performance range and versatility.   No matter whether in waves, on a downwinder or in races. Whether on lakes or in the surf of the world's oceans, the Mantis is a powerful all-rounder. The gold standard in wing design has arrived in the 4th generation. The Mantis V4 delivers the highest level of stability, performance and pure driving experience. With a focus on optimized power distribution, torsion control and aerodynamics, the Mantis 04 has undergone an evolutionary treatment. . A new spanwise panel arrangement, combined with the graduated TE load patch, makes this Mantis the most precise and powerful wing ever.


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